[OPIC] 영어 못해도 짧은 문장으로 IH 받기! | 오픽 1:1 가이드 001 #오픽노잼 정리
<오픽노잼 오픽 1:1 가이드 정리>
001: https://youtu.be/1HN93-WqAds
[Question – Description]
I wolud like to know where you live.
-What does your place look like?
-How many rooms do you have?
-Describe your place in detail.
I live in (a) 3 bedroom apartment with my wife. You know, among them, my favorite is my bedroom.
→ 그 중에서도 “My bedroom”에 집중해서 Main Point로 이끌어 가겠다는 것을 보여줌
Oh, I can wind down(긴장을 풀고 쉬다) and relax in my bedroom. You know, I can do everything in my bedroom.
→ 계속해서 “My bedroom”에만 집중해서 말함
I can listen to music and watch movies and so on. Oh, it’s a perfect place in my house.
→ 그리고 그 Main Point에 대한 감정(Feeling)에 집중함
You know, um, when(ever) I try to(→ need to) concentrate on something my room is the best place in my house.
You know, overall.. I love~ my own bedroom so~ much.
→ 감정(Feeling)을 더 잘 보여줄 수 있게 대답함
I live in a 3 bedroom apartment with my wife.
You know, among them, my favorite is my bedroom.
Oh, I can wind down and relax in my bedroom.
You know, I can do everything in my bedroom.
I can listen to music and watch movies and so on.
Oh, it’s a perfect place in my house.
You know, um, whenever I need to concentrate on something my room is the best place in my house.
You know, overall.. I love~ my own bedroom so~ much.
1. Never ask Ava a question. If you must, ask a rhetorical question.
(Ava한테 질문하지 않기. 만약 질문해야 하면, 수사학적 질문하기 - 대답이 필요없는 질문)
2. Do not use difficult words that you are uncomfortable with.
Use simple words you are totally confident in using.
(불편하고 어려운 단어 사용하지 않기, 사용하기 편하고 자신감있는 간단한 단어 사용하기)
3. Try not to repeat the same word in the same sentence.
(한 문장에서 같은 단어 반복하지 않기)
4. Don’t use 2 descriptive or feeling words using “and”.
(무언가를 묘사하거나 감정 단어 2개를 말할 때, “and” 사용하지 않기)
→ Comfy and cozy (X) / Crispy and crunchy (X) / Juicy and tender (X) / Wind down and relax (X)
5. Talk about one thing, and one thing only.
(한 가지에 대해서만 말하기)
6. If you get nervous and have nothing to say, go right to the conclusion.
(긴장이 되고 할 말이 없을 땐, 바로 결론으로 가기)
7. Make “honest excuses” later. Not in the beginning.
(“솔직한 변명”은 나중에 하기. 처음 부분에서 하지 않기)
- 어떤 질문이 나오더라도 답변할 수 있는 4가지 전략
→ Description(설명) / Habit(습관) / Past Experience(과거 경험) / Comparison(비교)
- Fillers 사용하기
→ Um / Uh / You know / You see / Let me see / like
I mean / I think / I feel / I guess / I would be / quite / frequently
It’s funny cos / Most of the time ~ But sometimes ~
What I really [ like | love | hate | interesting ] about
You know [ what? | what I mean? | what I’m saying? | what I’m trying to say? ]