오픽노잼/오픽 1:1 가이드

[OPIC] 영어회화실력을 높이고 싶으면 한국어를 더 배우세요 ㅣ 오픽 1:1 가이드 015 #오픽노잼 정리

함께 공부해요 2020. 8. 15. 19:06

015: https://youtu.be/i6ILPjdUORQ

<할 말이 없을 때 대처방법>

What do I do when I have nothing to say? (X)


1. Why dont I have anything to say?

2. Why cant I explain this clearly?

3. What can I do to fully express myself?

→ 장황한 설명보다, 내 감정에 집중해서 말하기


Tell me what recycling was like when you were a child.  // 기억이 잘 안나서 할 말이 없음

- Was there a particular place to which you took out the recyclables?

- Describe what it was like and what you did in detail.


Um.. recycling when I was a child, alright.  // 시간을 끌면서 최대한 내 감정에 집중해서 말을 함

whenever the day of recycling came, you know, everything was a bother for me.

Because my parents took me away from home.. and um.. you know, went somewhere..

I cant remember well.. because I was young, but it was, you know, an apartment recycling center.

I learned how to recycle there from my parents. And it wasnt just fun for me..

Because my parents often scolded me, like You should recycle properly!.  // 직접 화법 사용

But you know what? Now I feel grateful for such learning from my parents.

And recycling is now the normal routine of my life.


1. Never ask Ava a question. If you must, ask a rhetorical question.
Ava한테 질문하지 않기. 만약 질문해야 하면, 수사학적 질문하기 → 대답이 필요없는 질문


2. Do not use difficult words that you are uncomfortable with.

Use simple words you are totally confident in using.

불편하고 어려운 단어 사용하지 않기, 사용하기 편하고 자신감 있는 간단한 단어 사용하기


3. Try not to repeat the same word in the same sentence.

한 문장에서 같은 단어 반복하지 않기


4. Dont use 2 descriptive or feeling words using and.

무언가를 묘사하거나 감정 단어 2개를 말할 때, and 사용하지 않기

Comfy and cozy (X) / Crispy and crunchy (X) / Juicy and tender (X) / Wind down and relax (X)


5. Talk about one thing, and one thing only.

한 가지에 대해서만 말하기


6. If you get nervous and have nothing to say, go right to the conclusion.

긴장이 되고 할 말이 없을 땐, 바로 결론으로 가기


7. Make honest excuses later. Not in the beginning.

솔직한 변명은 나중에 하기. 처음 부분에서 하지 않기


- 어떤 질문이 나오더라도 답변할 수 있는 4가지 전략

Description(설명) / Habit(습관) / Past Experience(과거 경험) / Comparison(비교)


- Fillers 사용하기

Um / Uh / You know / You see / Let me see / like

I mean / I think / I feel / I guess / I would be / quite / frequently

Its funny cos / Most of the time ~ But sometimes ~

What I really [ like | love | hate | interesting ] about

You know [ what? | what I mean? | what Im saying? | what Im trying to say? ]

[Minimum of IH 전략]

- Main Point (30 seconds 20 seconds) / Focus one thing

- Constant Speaking

- Fillers Filler combos (And so / And um / And um, You know / And um, so …)

- Feeling-focused Based my feeling

- Some feeling words Many feeling words

- No Korean, No rigid English, No script

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