오픽노잼/IM 시리즈

[OPIC] 오픽 IM/IH를 벗어나는 Rule #7 | IM 시리즈 003 #오픽노잼 정리

함께 공부해요 2020. 2. 9. 18:48

<오픽노잼 IM 시리즈 정리>

#003: https://youtu.be/q0v6YretDqQ


1. Never ask Ava a question. If you must, ask a rhetorical question.
(Ava한테 질문하지 않기. 만약 질문해야하면, 수사학적 질문하기 - 대답이 필요없는 질문)


2. Do not use difficult words that you are uncomfortable with.

Use simple words you are totally confident in using!

(불편하고 어려운 단어 사용하지 않기, 사용하기 편하고 자신감있는 간단한 단어 사용하기)


3. Try not to repeat the same word in the same sentence.

(한 문장에서 같은 단어 반복하지 않기)


4. Don’t use 2 descriptive or feeling words using “and”!

(무언가를 묘사하거나 감정 단어 2개를 말할 때, “and” 사용하지 말기)

-Comfy and cozy (x)

-Crispy and crunchy (x)

-Juicy and tender (x)

-Wind down and relax (x)


5. Talk about one thing, and one thing only!

(한 가지에 대해서만 말하기!)


6. If you get nervous and have nothing to say, go right to the conclusion!

(긴장이 되고 할 말이 없을 땐, 바로 결론으로 가기!


7. Make “honest excuses” later. Not in the beginning!

(“솔직한 변명은 나중에 하기. 처음 부분에서 하지 않기!)


- 메인 내용 먼저 말하기

Rule 7.을 적용한 예시)

나는 Cocky pub에 갔다. 근데 거기 술이 너무 맛있어서 너무 좋았다. Main

, 근데 언제 정확하게 갔는지 기억은 안나지만, 솔직한 변명시작

아무튼, 내가 기억하는건 그 술이 너무 맛있어서 깜짝 놀랐었던거다.


- 어떤 질문이 나오더라도 답변할 수 있는 4가지 종류

Description(설명) / Habit(습관) / Past Experience(과거 경험) / Comparison(비교)


- Comparison Strategy

Main Point - Nothing about the past. (Just focus on the present!)

ex) You know. I live by myself in a normal looking apartment.

And um, I would say it’s pretty small, but I love how big my washroom is.

Past(과거 집의 화장실) Present(지금 집의 화장실) Conclusion(화장실)

이렇게 한 가지에 대해서 비교하면서 말하는 이유는 Rule 5.를 깨지 않기 위해서!


Describe the home you lived in as a child.

-How was that home different from the home you live in now?


My childhood’s home...

( You know. I live by myself in a normal looking apartment.

And um, I would say it’s pretty small, but I love how big my washroom is.

Past(과거 집의 화장실) Present(지금 집의 화장실) Conclusion(화장실)

--Past의 상황부터 보여주고 있음, Main PointPresent 상황부터!)


Oh, actually I can’t remember very specifically, but one thing I just remember very clearly it was so huge house.

( I can’t remember very specifically, but one thing I do remember is that it was clearly a huge house.

--문법 오류, 핑계 전략을 나중에 썼으면 더 좋았음!)


The sofa, furniture, chairs, desks... everything was so huge. So big.


It’s feels like I was a ant.

( I truly felt like an ant! --문법 오류, 그러나 Simile(직유법) 쓴 것은 Good!)


Because I think I was a little girl that’s why(so) I felt like everything was so big.

( --I think 써서 나의 생각을 보여주고, I felt(feel) like 나의 느낀점을 보여줌!)


Now, I’m live in more big house.

( Now, I’m living in an even bigger house. --문법 오류)


But I’m still need more place.

( But I still feel like I need more space. --I feel like을 통해서 더 풍부하게 표현!

I just can’t believe it!)


I feels it’s not bigger than when I kid is.

( Even though it’s definitely a bigger place, I feel like it’s similar from when I was a kid.

--Present(현재)를 말하고 있을 때는 Past(과거)에 내용을 말하지 않는 것Best!

 ex) Even though it’s definitely a bigger place, I still feel like it’s not that big.

      My place is big, but I still want a bigger place.)


Oh, maybe I’m growing so that’s why I feels like it.

( Oh, maybe I’m growing so my perspective is changing.)


You know. Now I live by myself in a normal looking apartment.

And um, I would say it’s pretty small, but I love how big my washroom is.


My washroom is large enough to be used alone.

And I'm enjoying it enough.


And, you know, I can’t remember very specifically..

but one thing I do remember about my childhood home is really big.

It's totally incomparable with the house I live now.


The sofa, furniture, chairs, desks... everything was so huge. So big.

I truly felt like an ant!

That because I think I was a little guy.. so I felt like everything was so big.


But you know, now my house is better.. because I can use the big big my washroom alone. :)

오픽 유효기간: 2년

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