
[Day 10] 매일 영어회화 공부하기 (with Cake 어플) - toss and turn a lot at night

함께 공부해요 2020. 10. 29. 02:16



So what did you do to celebrate?



Well, um, I had a birthday party.

It was Lego-themed and I had some friends come over.

* come over: (집에) 오다, 가다


It was a sleepover.

* sleepover: (한 집에 모여) 함께 자며 놀기, 밤샘 파티


But I love my friends, but I probably won't do it again because, uh, I toss and turn a lot at night.

* toss and turn: 뒤척이다


So I kind of need some space. So they probably didn't like that too much.

* probably: 아마도