[Day 24] 오픽시험 스크립트 연습하기 - social butterfly / We cilck so well
Of the people in your family, who is your favorite person?
Please describe your favorite family member in as much detail as you can.
외모: Height, Hair, Fashion
* Be on the short side (키가 작은편)
성격: Positive, Energetic, Bright, Optimistic
That’s something I want to learn from her ~.
If you meet her I am sure you will love ~.
Hmm.. my favorite person in my family.. OK.
Before I tell you about my favorite family member,
there are 4 people in my family, father, mother, younger sister and me.
And.. I think most people are similar to me. My favorite person in my family is my mom.
Cause, you know, my mom and I have many similar aspects.
In terms of personality, we are all social butterfly.
* in terms of: ~의 측면에서
* social butterfly: 사교성이 뛰어난 사람
So when I talk to my mom, you know, we continue the topic of conversation without any interruption.
* interruption: (말을) 가로막음[방해함]
And you know what? Her favorite food is my favorite food.
We just click so well.
* We click so well: 죽이 잘 맞는다