[Day 36] 매일 영어회화 공부하기 (with Cake 어플) - suck it up
함께 공부해요
2020. 12. 13. 19:56
If Allison wants to see "Romeo and Juliet.", you should suck it up and go.
* suck it up: 잘 받아들이다, 견뎌내다
When you care about someone, you have to make sacrifices.
* sacrifice: 희생
I guess.
Tell you what, I'll give you and Allison a ride to the movie.
* give ~ a ride: ~를 태워주다
Yeah. Think of me as your coachman, spiriting you and your beloved through the ivory gates of Verona.
* spirit: 기운을 북돋우다, 몰래 데리고 나가다
I don't understand a word of that, but...
Thanks for the ride.