[OPIC] 영어 오픽 habit 질문들(교통,재활용,예약), 게으른 사람도 쉽게 배울수 있는 신기한 방법! ㅣ IM 시리즈 009 #오픽노잼 정리
<오픽노잼 IM 시리즈 정리>
#009: https://youtu.be/Q140WVM4MvE
1. Never ask Ava a question. If you must, ask a rhetorical question.
(Ava한테 질문하지 않기. 만약 질문해야하면, 수사학적 질문하기 - 대답이 필요없는 질문)
2. Do not use difficult words that you are uncomfortable with.
Use simple words you are totally confident in using!
(불편하고 어려운 단어 사용하지 않기, 사용하기 편하고 자신감있는 간단한 단어 사용하기)
3. Try not to repeat the same word in the same sentence.
(한 문장에서 같은 단어 반복하지 않기)
4. Don’t use 2 descriptive or feeling words using “and”!
(무언가를 묘사하거나 감정 단어 2개를 말할 때, “and” 사용하지 말기)
→ Comfy and cozy (X) / Crispy and crunchy (X) / Juicy and tender (X) / Wind down and relax (X)
5. Talk about one thing, and one thing only!
(한 가지에 대해서만 말하기!)
6. If you get nervous and have nothing to say, go right to the conclusion!
(긴장이 되고 할 말이 없을 땐, 바로 결론으로 가기!
7. Make “honest excuses” later. Not in the beginning!
(“솔직한 변명”은 나중에 하기. 처음 부분에서 하지 않기!)
- 어떤 질문이 나오더라도 답변할 수 있는 4가지 종류
→ Description(설명) / Habit(습관) / Past Experience(과거 경험) / Comparison(비교)
- Habit 질문 전략
1. 뭐하는지 자세히 설명(Main Point)
2. 나한테는 _____이 너무 중요하다(나의 감정 표현)
3, 4. Free Style 구문
5, 6. Quick Comparison Strategy (과거 → 현재)
- One Eggplant Strategy 사용하기
→ Answer에서 transportation(subway or bus)에 대한 내용을 집중적으로 이용해 답변했는데, 이러한 방법을 “One Eggplant Strategy”, 즉 “한 가지에 집중하기 Strategy(전략)“이라고 한다. 이 방법은 OPIC 대부분 문제에 적용된다.
- Quick Comparison Strategy 사용하기
→ Main Point(현재) ▶ Past(과거) ▶ Main Point(현재)
- Fillers 사용하기
→ well / you know / you see / let me see / like / what am I trying to say / I mean / I think / I find it / I feel / I guess / quite / What I really (like, love, hate, interesting == 그저 그럴 때) about / It’s funny cos / Frequently / Most of the time ~ But sometimes
1. No matter what, whenever I need to go somewhere, I always take the “subway or bus”.
2. This is crucial. It’s quite rare for me to take other options.
3. I love “how” I can read something while taking the public transit.
4. It’s the only time I can actually read!
5. It’s interesting cos I’ve never liked reading before.
6. I still don’t, but I love how it helps me to kill time especially while I’m commuting.
1) 습관이나 행동을 설명할 때 첫마디로 말하기 좋음
→ No matter what / Whenever I _____ / I always
2) 내가 어떻게 느끼는지 표현하기
→ This is crucial (= important) / It's quite rare
+평소에 나는 이렇게 하지 않는다는 것 표현
3) Free Style 구문
→ I love "how" (= What I love about _____ )
+좋아하는 것을 말하고, 왜 좋아하는지 설명이 필요함(4번으로!)
Free Style은 누군가의 스크립트를 따라하지 않는다는 것을 보여줌
4) 바로 이어서 왜 좋아하는지 이유 설명
→ Actually _____
5) Quick Comparison Strategy(과거)
→ It's interesting cos (= It's Intriguing cos) / I've never liked reading before.
6) 다시 Main Point(현재)
→ I still don't
+still이 현재시제를 내포함
1. Every time I need to recycle, I always check to see that all the cans and the bottles are crushed to save space.
2. This is very important. It’s really rare for me to forget to check.
3. I’m quite lazy, so I hate having to recycle if I don’t have to.
4. I take out the recycling only when my bins are full to the max.
5. It’s interesting cos I had to recycle nearly every day before.
6. But now, with my new method of crushing everything, I recycle every 2 weeks!
1) No matter what 대신 “Every time I _____ ” 사용
2) This is crucial 대신 “This is very important” 사용 (+rare 컨셉)
3, 4) Free Style 구문
5) Quick Comparison Strategy(과거)
6) 다시 Main Point(현재)
1. I’ll tell you what, I always make a hair appointment pretty much every month.
2. I find this very important. It’s very rare for me to skip a hair-cut.
3. Of course, I make other appointments as well in my life, but this one is the most important to me.
4. My hair has a mind of it’s own, so I need it to be well maintained!
5. It’s interesting cos I never cared about my hair before.
6. But these days, I feel that my hair gives me confidence.
1) I'll tell you what (=No matter what, Every time I _____ )
2) I find this very important (= This is crucial, This is very important) +rare 컨셉
3, 4) Free Style 구문
→ My hair has a mind of it's own (머리카락이 말을 안 듣는다, 지저분하다)
= My hair is always messy.
5) Quick Comparison Strategy(과거)
6) 다시 Main Point(현재)
1. Transportation
All rights, here’s the thing. No matter what, I mean, whenever I need to go somewhere, I always take the “subway or bus”.
I mean, This is just so crucial. like, It’s quite rare for me to take other options, right?
And I’m love “how” I can read something, you know, while taking the public transit.
And uh.. It’s the only time I can actually read, right?
It’s interesting cos I’ve never liked reading before.
And um.. I still don’t, but, you know, I love how it helps me to kill time, like, especially while I’m commuting.
2. Recycling
You know, Every time I need to recycle, I always check to see that, you know, all the cans and plastic bottles are, like, crushed to save space.
And this is very important. like, It’s really rare for me to forget to check.
I’m quite lazy, so uh.. you know, I hate having to recycle if I don’t have to, right?
I take out the recycling only when my bins, you know, are full to the max.
And um.. It’s interesting cos I had to recycle, like, nearly every day before.
But now, with my new method of crushing like, everything..! I recycle every 2 weeks!
3. Appointment
Well all right, I’ll tell you what, I always make a hair appointment pretty much every month, you know?
And um.. I find this very important cos, It’s very rare for me to skip a hair-cut.
Of course, I make other appointments as well right? like, you know, in my life, but this one is the most important to me.
And um.. you know, my hair has a mind of it’s own, and like, so I need it to be well maintained!
So you know, it’s interesting cos I never cared about my hair before.
But you know like, these days, I feel that my hair gives me confidence.
※ 신종 코로나 바이러스 조심하세요!!!!