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오픽노잼/IM 시리즈

[OPIC] 오픽하느님, 질문을 들을 땐 무슨 생각을 해야 하나요? | IM 시리즈 004 #오픽노잼 정리

by 함께 공부해요 2020. 2. 13.

<오픽노잼 IM 시리즈 정리>

#004: https://youtu.be/PcahRZRJrrk


1. Never ask Ava a question. If you must, ask a rhetorical question.
(Ava한테 질문하지 않기. 만약 질문해야하면, 수사학적 질문하기 - 대답이 필요없는 질문)


2. Do not use difficult words that you are uncomfortable with.

Use simple words you are totally confident in using!

(불편하고 어려운 단어 사용하지 않기, 사용하기 편하고 자신감있는 간단한 단어 사용하기)


3. Try not to repeat the same word in the same sentence.

(한 문장에서 같은 단어 반복하지 않기)


4. Don’t use 2 descriptive or feeling words using “and”!

(무언가를 묘사하거나 감정 단어 2개를 말할 때, “and” 사용하지 말기)

-Comfy and cozy (x)

-Crispy and crunchy (x)

-Juicy and tender (x)

-Wind down and relax (x)


5. Talk about one thing, and one thing only!

(한 가지에 대해서만 말하기!)


6. If you get nervous and have nothing to say, go right to the conclusion!

(긴장이 되고 할 말이 없을 땐, 바로 결론으로 가기!


7. Make “honest excuses” later. Not in the beginning!

(“솔직한 변명은 나중에 하기. 처음 부분에서 하지 않기!)


- 어떤 질문이 나오더라도 답변할 수 있는 4가지 종류!

Description(설명) / Habit(습관) / Past Experience(과거 경험) / Comparison(비교)


- 2번 듣기 활용하기 & 스킵하기

1. 첫 번째로 들을 때는 무슨 내용과 어떤 정보가 있는지 생각한다.

2. 어떤 카테고리인지 알아야 한다.

Description(설명) / Habit(습관) / Past Experience(과거 경험) / Comparison(비교)

3. 두 번째로 들을 때는 내가 무엇을 Main Point로 잡고 이야기를 할 것인가?‘를 선택해야 한다.

 ex) “You indicated in the survey that you stay at home for vacations.

    -Who are the people you would like to see and spend time with on your vacation?“

   <Who Description(설명) / would like to Habit(습관)> 둘 중 선택해야됌!

4. 카테고리에 대해서 정확하게 파악하지 못하면 질문 자체를 스킵한 뒤 그 질문에 신경쓰지 말고, 다음 질문에 잘할 생각을 해라. 스킵하는 것을 무서워하지 않기


- Habit_Quick comparison 전략

ex) Um you know, On the vacations I usually spend time with my parents. Walking around, riding bike, and so on. It helps me that I spend time with my parents. I naver really did this before, but nowadays I just so fun spend time with my mom and dad. I just don't know why, but I think I might be getting old. I really feeling so comfortable when I along with my mom and dad. That's why I spend time with my parents on the vacations.


You indicated in the survey that you stay at home for vacations.

-Who are the people you would like to see and spend time with on your vacation?



Vacations at home... alright. Um, I’m living with my family, uh, at home.

( I’m (currently) living with my parents. / I live with my parents these days. / I live in my parent’s home.)

[+ family라는 단어는 너무 포괄적인 개념이다. 그리고 at home - ”집에 안살면 어디서 살겠어, 공항?!!“ㅋㅋ]



So, whether I like it or not, I have to see my family during vacation.

( Whether I like it or not, I have to be with my parents. / Whether I like it or not, I have no choice but to be with my parents. / Whether I like it or not, I’m totally stuck with my parents.)

[+ Whether I like it or not 표현이 너무 좋았다. 그리고 2번째 바꿔서 하는 표현인 I have no choice but 표현도 꼭 기억해두고 써먹기!]



Um, and it made me so annoyed because, um, as I already told you before, I’m not that outgoing person.

( It makes me so annoyed because, / It annoys me so much because **

I’m not that outgoing / I’m not an outgoing person. / I’m not an outgoing person at all. / I’m not extroverted at all.)

[+ as I already told you before처럼 상기시키는 표현은 너무 좋다. 아직 어렵지만 자기한테 맞는 단어를 골라서 연습하는게 좋다.]



So, I prefer to spend my own time rather than spending time with someone.

( I prefer to be by myself. / I prefer to spend time alone. **

rather than spend time with someone. / rather than hang out with friends. / rather than meet people. / rather than go out)

[+ rather than으로 비교해준 표현이 너무 좋았다. 그 뒤에 spend time 대신 hang out, meet, go out 등등으로 표현을 바꿔주는 것 하나의 방법!]



So, I prefer the things like, um, just seeing YouTube... watching YouTube... or listening to music... mm... or just searching the internet... something like that.

[+ um, mm 너무 많이 쓰지 않기, 먹을 때 하기 ㅋㅋ, 하지만 seeing으로 문법이 잘 못됐다는걸 알고 watching으로 바꾼 건 좋았다. 다만 만약 이것을 늦게 발견하게 되더라도, 깔끔한 설명이 더 중요하지, 문법의 옳고 그름이 중요한게 절대 아니다!]



But with family, It’s so hard because, yeah, my family always want to, yeah, keep talking with me.

( But I can’t do anything with my parents around. They always want to talk with me. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love them to death. But sometimes, I just need to be alone.)

[+ 중간에 yeah 추임새도 주의하기! 그리고 추가로 don’t get me wrong 이란 표현으로 오해하지 말라면서 sub_description 덧붙이면서 여기서 마무리했어도 굳!]



And so, I really hope I can buy my own house in the future.

( I really hope I can move out soon. / I really want to get out of here soon.)

[+ 수정한 부분에서 out ofoutta로 붙여서 발음해보기!]


I’m currently living with my parents.

So, whether I like it or not, I have no choice but to be with my parents.


Um.. and It makes me so annoyed because,

um, you know as I already told you before, I’m not an outgoing person at all.


I prefer to spend time alone rather than spend time with someone.

So, I can’t do anything with my parents around. They always want to talk with me.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love them to death. But sometimes, I just need to be alone.


And so, I really hope I can move out soon. :)

오픽 유효기간: 2년

※ 신종 코로나 바이러스 조심하세요!!!!
