오픽노잼정리28 [OPIC] IH로 올리자 | 오픽 1:1 가이드 020 #오픽노잼 정리 020: https://youtu.be/WRCN9VgLKIw 분명하게 첫 부분으로 20초 안에 말하기 → 감정에 집중하면서 MP에서 벗어나지 않기 Normal Main Point 1. 무엇에 대해 말할 건지 (What?) 2. 기분이 어땠는지 → Good or Bad 3. 왜 그렇게 느꼈는지 (Why?) Tell me about your experience recently on a bar. - Tell me everything that happened. Okay.. experience on a bar, alright. A couple weeks ago I saw my Ex-girlfriend in the bar. // 1. 전여자친구를 봄 Yeah, you know, who didn’t know th.. 2020. 8. 22. [OPIC] 그 약점을 강점으로 만들려면 이렇게만 하세요 | 오픽 1:1 가이드 019 #오픽노잼 정리 019: https://youtu.be/RdN-vwCsxIA Normal Main Point 1. 무엇에 대해 말할 건지 2. 기분이 어땠는지 3. 왜 그렇게 느꼈는지 → Habit에서는 위 3가지 중 1가지만 말해도 됨(General Main Point) Quick Comparison → 과거의 이야기와 현재의 이야기를 짧고 빠르게 비교하는 방법 Talk about the things that you typically do when you visit another country or overseas city. Okay.. typically do.. alright. Whenever I go to the another country or overseas city, I always try to loo.. 2020. 8. 21. [OPIC] 오픽 AL목표라면 past experience 간접화법 공부하고 78,100원 아끼자 | 오픽 1:1 가이드 016 #오픽노잼 정리 016: https://youtu.be/doeh-nhiNew → 과거시제 + “현재시제” ex) I was like “Holy cow! This coffee is the best ever!” → 과거시제 ex) I thought to myself that this was the best coffee ever. Do you have any good memories with your family when you were young? - What kind of memories do you have? - Tell me as mush as you can. Um.. any good memories with my family.. alright. I have a fond of playing basketball with.. 2020. 8. 18. [OPIC] 영어회화실력을 높이고 싶으면 한국어를 더 배우세요 ㅣ 오픽 1:1 가이드 015 #오픽노잼 정리 015: https://youtu.be/i6ILPjdUORQ “What do I do when I have nothing to say?” (X) 1. “Why don’t I have anything to say?” 2. “Why can’t I explain this clearly?” 3. “What can I do to fully express myself?” → 장황한 설명보다, 내 감정에 집중해서 말하기 Tell me what recycling was like when you were a child. // 기억이 잘 안나서 할 말이 없음 - Was there a particular place to which you took out the recyclables? - Describe what it was.. 2020. 8. 15. [OPIC] #12 롤플레이, 누구라도 AL처럼 답 할수 있어요 | 오픽 1:1 가이드 007 #오픽노잼 정리 007: https://youtu.be/cF3wGkx6Cbs I’m sorry but there is a problem I need you to resolve. You have received the new phone but the features are not what you expected. You would like to return it to get a new phone. Call the store, explain the situation, and make arrangements to get a new product. → Roleplay Hi. Um, yesterday I bought an iPhone X. I mean, an iPhone X in black. But um, I got it in .. 2020. 8. 2. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 6 다음