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[Day 4] 매일 영어회화 공부하기 (with Cake 어플) - Mint condition

by 함께 공부해요 2020. 10. 23.


I think that might be him.


You don't know the guy we're meeting?


That's how Craigslist works.

* Craiglist: 미국의 온라인 벼룩시장 사이트

Total strangers sell you things like signed vintage baseball cards that make your father-in-law respect you for an afternoon.

* father-in-law: 장인, 시아버지


I don't like the looks of this guy.



He looks like everybody else.


Great. You can just tell that to the police sketch artist.

* police sketch artist: 몽타주 화가, 경찰


Joe DiMaggio?

(미국의 야구선수의 이름으로, 이 사람의 야구카드를 사려는 것인지 물어보는 상황)


Phil Dunphy, but I get that a lot.

Kidding. I'm your guy.


Can I see the cash?


Yes. Can I... Can I see the card?

Mint condition.

* Mint condition: 새것이나 다름없음


That's why I want another 50.


I only have the 200.


Ah, deal's off then.


Come on, it's Christmas.

At our house, it's a long story.




I just spent all my cash on groceries.

* groceries: 식료품

* grocery: 잡화


