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영어회화 어플21

[Day 36] 매일 영어회화 공부하기 (with Cake 어플) - suck it up https://youtu.be/6m5m75mACRs?t=126 If Allison wants to see "Romeo and Juliet.", you should suck it up and go. * suck it up: 잘 받아들이다, 견뎌내다 ​ When you care about someone, you have to make sacrifices. * sacrifice: 희생 ​​ I guess. ​ Tell you what, I'll give you and Allison a ride to the movie. * give ~ a ride:​ ~를 태워주다 ​ Seriously? ​ Yeah. Think of me as your coachman, spiriting you and your beloved .. 2020. 12. 13.
[Day 35] 매일 영어회화 공부하기 (with Cake 어플) - run out of https://youtu.be/C7_AXv_mkR8?t=69 ​ Yo, Papa, bad news, bro. * Papa: (슬랭) 아저씨 ​ Ran out of toilet paper, you got any out here? Please tell me you got.. * run out of: (사람이) ~을 다 써버리다, ~이 없어지다 ​​ Sir! I suggest you get in there. The museum is closed. ​ Listen man, I understand that, but as you can see, this is important, alright? Thumper-dumper. I gotta go, alright? * Thumper-dumper: (슬랭) 급똥 ​ Sir.. 2020. 12. 12.
[Day 31] 매일 영어회화 공부하기 (with Cake 어플) - You have a point https://youtu.be/ZhiAhNz8wlE?t=180 And I, I'm just thinking, 'I'm gonna walk out.' So we go to the door and the door is locked. So now there are many people behind us. The uniformed policemen, the usher who's in charge of the House.. * usher: 수위, 문지기 * in charge of: 담당하는, 관리하는 ​ And they don't know what to do, right? And they're like, "Uh, ma'am, where are you going?" ​ I said, "I'm going out. I.. 2020. 12. 7.
[Day 23] 매일 영어회화 공부하기 (with Cake 어플) - Just browsing https://youtu.be/2MFFnRmNesk?t=175 They're right there. That's what you're looking for. * look for: 찾다, 구하다; 기대하다 ​​ What's this? ​ Uh, it's three ten packs. So, like you need to give'em out to more than one person, you know? ​* give ~ out: 나눠 주다 ​ But see here's, 10, 20, 25, 50. ​ So... ​ What are you looking for Ms. Sierra? ​ I don't know. ​ Never, just browsing. ​ Yeah. ​ Just browsing. * Jus.. 2020. 11. 19.
[Day 21] 매일 영어회화 공부하기 (with Cake 어플) - fall is in the air https://youtu.be/NkwABKG8Dio Hey, guys, so fall is in the air, * in the air: 기운이 감도는 ​ and one of my favorite thigs to do this time of year is invite friends over for tea and scones. * scone: 밀가루를 주재료로 하여 속을 넣지 않고 구운 빵 ​ So for this episode, I'm gonna show you one basic scone recipe, that you can use to make slight modifications to get three different flavors of scones. * modification: 수정, 변경 ​ .. 2020. 11. 17.