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[OPIC] IH - AL 갈 수 있는 복잡한 질문에 대한 대답방법! | 오픽 1:1 가이드 013 #오픽노잼 정리 오픽노잼 오픽 1:1 가이드 정리 013: https://youtu.be/rED8gQsF46I - Main Point (30 seconds → 20 seconds) / Focus one thing - Constant Speaking - Fillers → Filler combos (And so / And um / And um, You know / And um, so …) - Feeling-focused → Based my feeling - Some feeling words → Many feeling words - No Korean - No rigid English - No script Cafes and coffee houses today are often more than just places that s.. 2020. 8. 13.
[OPIC] 계속 오픽 IH만 받는 학생 단점 찾아보기! | 오픽 1:1 가이드 012 #오픽노잼 정리 오픽노잼 오픽 1:1 가이드 정리 012: https://youtu.be/Du1991kKS3M - Main Point (30 seconds → 20 seconds) - Constant Speaking - Fillers → Filler combos (And so / And um / And um, You know / And um, so …) - Feeling-focused → Based my feeling - Some feeling words → Many feeling words - No Korean - No rigid English - No script I would like to know where you live. - Can you describe your home to me? - What does i.. 2020. 8. 12.
[OPIC] 오픽은 문법시험 보다는 서로 XXXX 시험이다! | 오픽 1:1 가이드 011 #오픽노잼 정리 오픽노잼 오픽 1:1 가이드 정리 011: https://youtu.be/aved4289PQI - Main Point (30 seconds → 20 seconds) - Constant Speaking - Fillers → Filler combos - Feeling-focused → Based my feeling - Some feeling words → Many feeling words - No Korean - No rigid English - No script What new electronic gadgets or equipment are people, who like music, interested in these days? - What are they talking about? - What new p.. 2020. 8. 11.
[OPIC] 날씨콤보, IH/AL 정말 차이가 모지? 아따 미치겠다~!! | 오픽 1:1 가이드 010 #오픽노잼 정리 오픽노잼 오픽 1:1 가이드 정리 010: https://youtu.be/AiEzJGrP6rA - Main Point (30 seconds → 20 seconds) - Constant Speaking - Fillers → Filler combos - Feeling-focused - Some feeling words → Many feeling words - No Korean - No rigid English - No script Tell me about the weather in your country. - Are there different seasons? - What is the weather like in each season? (Yeah, guess what? You know, Korea actua.. 2020. 8. 9.
[OPIC] 날씨콤보세트 IH/AL구분하자! | 오픽 1:1 가이드 009 #오픽노잼 정리 오픽노잼 오픽 1:1 가이드 정리 009: https://youtu.be/rYIXHW37Cts - One Message and Constant Speaking - Honesty is the best policy - BUT, quickly get to Main Point, and Main Point should be within 20 seconds - Talk about Main Point is good or bad - Use direct quotations Severe weather conditions can do a lot of damage. - Tell me about an experience you had related to severe weather conditions. - Perhaps a ci.. 2020. 8. 8.