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[OPIC] 오픽이 어려워졌다고? 이 영상으로 자신감 뿜뿜! | AL 시리즈 학생편 011 #오픽노잼 정리 011: https://youtu.be/RX_Q-pOFn-E # KISS / Keep It Simple, Stupid. # [Question – Roll Play] Your friend just took his first dance lesson. -You are also considering taking it as well. -Ask your friend 3 ro 4 questions about his first class to see if you should sign up with him. [Answer] ※ STEP 1 – 대충 내용 설명 So Jay, I heard that you had your first day of dance lessons. ※ STEP 2 – 첫 번째 질문하기 Like, wh.. 2020. 4. 29.
[OPIC] AL 받으려면 "에바"와 대화하는 모습을 보여줘야 한다 | AL 시리즈 학생편 010 #오픽노잼 정리 010: https://youtu.be/kf6ADiFlm7c # 1. Ava와 자연스럽게 대화할 수 있는 전략 # -“You” 단어 사용하기 # 2. 이야기를 구성하는 방법, 스토리 전개 # -“Main Point” → “Story” # 3. 욕(swearing)을 잘 사용할 수 있는 방법 # -상황에 맞게 적절히 순화시켜 사용하는건 OK! [ WTF is happening now?! | WTF is happening?! | WTF is going on?! | WTF?! ] # 추가 꿀 표현들 # 1) I was not able to~ (나는 ~할 수 없었다) 2) you know what? (있잖아? / 그거 있지?) 3) cut eye (째려보다) 4) embarrassing (창피한, 난처한, 곤란.. 2020. 4. 28.
[OPIC] 영어로 긴 문장 만들기 어렵지 않아요! | AL 시리즈 학생편 009 #오픽노잼 정리 009: https://youtu.be/lvj-8hjfsfA # 문장을 좀 더 길게 말할 수 있게 이끌어 주는 4가지 단어 # [ Which / Because / Really / Since ] ex) I love dogs. Because they are so cute. Which is important to me. Because if they were not cute, then I wouldn’t like dogs. ex) I’m not hungry → I’m not really that hungry. That movie wasn’t good. → That movie wasn’t really all that good. [Question – Past Experience] Tell me about an ea.. 2020. 4. 26.
[OPIC] IM2에서 AL로 레벨업 할수있는 꿀팁! | AL 시리즈 학생편 008 #오픽노잼 정리 008: https://youtu.be/lnW8GkLY4rk [Question – Description] What kinds of technology do people typically use in your country? -Do people use computers, cellphones, or hand-held devices? -What are some common forms of technology that people use? [Answer] Uh.. so.. So, in my country (which is South korea), um, our cellphones(→ smartphones) are um.. is very important. → 5초 안에 Main Point 말하기, Fillers.. 2020. 4. 25.
[OPIC] 한국어를 영어로 바로 말할수 있을까? | AL 시리즈 학생편 007 #오픽노잼 정리 007: https://youtu.be/jaeSCfIBIdU [Question – Past Experience] Can you tell me about the last time you had some free time? -When was it? -What did you do? -Did you spend the time with someone? [Answer] Uh.. Ok. I went to Swiss(→ Switzerland) with my sister for.. about a few months ago. → 문장이 잘못된 것을 알고 고칠 때는 filler를 사용하고 다시 clear하게 전달해야함 ex) I went to Switzerland with my sister for.. uh, you know.. 2020. 4. 7.